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Tigmi Trading Trees: An Update


Tigmi Trading Trees: An Update

After launching our partnership with ReForest Now in May 2020 where one tree is planted for every rug sold at Tigmi Trading, we are so proud to update you on the growth and development of trees planted thanks to the support of our wonderful Tigmi clients.

MARCH 2021

100 newly planted trees. Due to the wetter than average season there has been significant growth on our first plantings. This round of planting followed on from the last round to restore subtropical rainforest on cleared land in Mcleod's Shoot (just west of Byron Bay.) The trees were planted in the catchment uplands where significant efforts have already been made to restore what was once flooded melaleuca wetland (‘Seapeace wetlands’.) This wetland is now complementary habitat for many dependent species, with rare and endangered birds spotted re-inhabiting the site after just two years after its creation. Our trees are an extension of this newly-restored habitat and stabilise the uplands (which have been used to graze cattle for decades). This will increase resilience, and contribute to the conservation of the lowland ecosystem.

The property has had a total of 28 345 trees planted as a major seed source for local birds and the downhill flow of rainforest seeds to reclaim the valleys down to the Byron lighthouse. The planting includes a variety of plant species that feed butterflies, moths, birds, insects and koalas. Trees came out of our nursery big and strong, and will establish a thick and lush forest canopy.

Due to extremely wet weather systems the Tigmi team unfortunately had to postpone their planting session with the team at ReforestNow.  


JUNE 2020

The first 20 trees from Tigmi Trading were planted during the month of June on a property in Federal NSW on an old (and failed) timber plantation at -28.642358° 153.479096°. The property itself is lush and beautiful with fragments of remnant rainforest. The Tigmi trees were part of a planting of over 6,000 trees planted to connect these fragments and reforest the cleared plantation.

Unfortunately the COVID19 restrictions meant that our team, volunteers and the community were unable to attend the planting, but fingers crossed we will all be at the next one and many thanks to the wonderful ReForest now crew!

For more info on our partnership with ReForest Now click here.

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