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Team Tigmi's tips on embracing your time at home


Team Tigmi's tips on embracing your time at home

"And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed."
~ Kitty O'Meara


Beyond the tragic human loss and disruption to the normality of our every-day lives, right now we are being urged to bunker down, cancel plans and take care. While we move into the unknown, this new frontier is ironically one we as humans are all connected by and this journey is one that we will be embarking together. But here’s the plot twist – this might just be the kind of reprieve our soul has been calling for.

In our busy lives we so easily lose focus of what matters the most, caring less for our own wellbeing, making less time for the people who are most important to us. Connection is something we so easily take for granted, meeting friends for dinner at our favourite restaurant, enjoying live music - the freedom of travel. Despite the physical break in human touch and connection we hope that this time is one we will learn more about the greater ways we are intrinsically interconnected as human beings.

The Tigmi team are using this time to shift their focus back within their homes, taking care of our loved ones and nourishing the soul. After digesting so much information in the past week, this weekend we have set aside time to create and enjoy some of the things that matters most.



DANIELLE: After the six-month drought, subsequent bushfires and then the floods we finally have an opportunity to regenerate our beautiful soil so we will be taking time right now to revive our veggie patch! The weeding has begun, and we are getting our first lot of planting in - herbs, veggies and anything we can to sustain ourselves and our bellies! When we do need to purchase groceries - we are supporting our local businesses first, keeping our budding local community going is our priority - our friends at Harvest in Newrybar are offering a pick up service so you can order your organic box of veggies and just drive around to pick it up.

When I am not flicking through cook books imagining my impeccable culinary skills, I’ll be listening to The Tim Ferriss Show podcast - in particular the episode about balancing your hormones with Dr Neal Barnard - a fascinating looking into the role foods have on our hormones and health.


LISA: I will be attending a yoga teacher training for the older generation this weekend in Lennox Head. I believe now, more than ever, it’s important to serve your local community and to give back. I think strengthening your immune system and looking after your mental health is so important to be prepared for the outer challenges we’re experiencing right now. Yoga and the practice of meditation is my ‘survival kit’ to centre and ground me during unsettling times. With all this time spent at home, just give it a go! Maybe try a guided meditation - there’s lots online, Headspace App is offering free mediations to deal with the busy mind stuff we might face at the moment.

There are also a few great short yoga/breathwork videos you can do out on Insta. I practice this one daily at the moment by my dear friend and fellow yoga teacher, Maryanne.



KIM: My good friend and I are currently building a beautiful farm home on his property in Booyong. The views on the property range from morning sun across the fields covered in 100 year old fig trees, to watching the afternoon sunset that sets over fields and the rock wall surrounding the property. On the weekends, when we’re not planning finishes and fixtures for the build, we cruise the property either on the quad bike or in my 4WD. The property is dotted with cattle, and if the dogs aren’t chasing them then we are able to get up close and say hello. 

Wilsons River lines the edge of his land and we’re able to cruise the quads down to it. It’s been so crazy to watch the water rise and fall through the everchanging weather patterns over the last few months.

Without a doubt, after a long day of planning and riding around, my favourite part of the day is to watch the sunset with S&W beer or a glass of red wine (currently loving the 2019 Unico Zelo Jungle Jungle from local Eltham Pub).

 I always say, ‘a Sunday well spent brings a week of content!’



KAITLIN: Having started a few renovations at home I’ll be getting stuck into painting and skim coating the original horsehair plaster on the walls in all of the bedrooms (FUN!) … I find painting is actually quite therapeutic so I’m happy to have some time to do it, I’m looking forward to completing the jobs I've been putting off so I can finally zhuzh the space with comfortable pieces! 

And while I'm doing that I’ll be listening to ‘Cilka’s Journey on Audible, which is the sequel to ‘The Tattooist of Auschwitz – if you haven’t read or listened I would definitely recommend – as much as they will make you cry, both (based on true stories) are also really uplifting and show the best of humanity in the worst of circumstances. 



ROSE: This weekend I will be cooking another batch of my soulful chicken bone broth. Immune building, nourishing and healing – I make this fortnightly for my family and use it as a base for soup, ramen, congee, risotto – I add it in to stews, curries and cook veggies in it. My young daughters drink it straight from their sippy cups and when they are done they usually ask for more.

My personal favourite way to have it is as a Matzo Ball Soup. I couldn’t think of a time more deserving of this soup than this very moment. I wish I could make a bowl of this soup for every single person in this world (a veggie version too).

I’m not going to lie, it’s not a pretty process - especially for someone who was vegetarian for most of her life! But it is economical, resourceful and requires the most minimum effort for something that is so essential for the soul. 

For veg and vegan, just don’t add in the chicken and instead use wakame seaweed, shitake mushrooms, nutritional yeast flakes and add in additional greens.



  • Organic chicken bones
  • Bag of organic chicken necks/feet/wings or 3 drumsticks (I recommend removing the drumsticks once they are cooked – roughly 2 hours - so you can use in a chicken soup)
  • Veg from your fridge which could be any of the following (broccoli & cauliflower stems, celery, carrots, parsnip, green beans, kale, zucchini (I usually make this the day before I go to the Mullumbimby Farmers Market so I can use up any leftovers from the week)
  • One brown onion chopped
  • As many cloves of garlic as you’d like
  • A bouquet garni of fresh herbs (usually thyme, parsley, sage)
  • One tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • Salt to taste 

1. Add a tbsp of olive oil to a large pot or slow cooker. First brown your onion and chicken bones/meat

2. Add all ingredients and fill with water until covering.

3. Bring to just below boiling point then reduce to a simmer. Simmer for 12-24 hours, topping up the water a few times as it evaporates.

4. Strain the stock and discard the solids.

5. Cool till room temperature then place in airtight containers. I use jars, which I then put in my fridge and freezer.



ELLA: In a time of such uncertainty, now more than ever, do we have to let go and surrender with compassion to the unfoldings of the world around us. For me, yoga has been an integral part of my daily life for many years and this powerful tool, prepares us for times like these. Over the next few weeks, being more present, slowing down and adapting to a new pace of life (one which we can all learn from) is being welcomed with open arms, after all change only begins in the present moment. I strongly believe that although we may have to keep physical distance at this moment in time, in our hearts we move closer together than ever before.

Firstly, I have a whole stack of books at home, some that have already been read, which I am very much looking forward to reading in my most prized spot (the hammock); my favourite is ‘Yoga For A World Out Of Balance’ by a former meditation teacher of mine, the late Michael Stone.

I will also most definitely be using this time to connect more with my family (who are all overseas). Life is beautiful and full here in Byron but when in different time zones, it is often hard to schedule in quality FaceTime sessions and so this I will be doing a lot more of! 

Last but not least, there will be a whole lot of baking! There is nothing quite like a home smelling of freshly baked goods AND having the time to enjoy them straight out of the oven, with a book and cup of tea! Anna jones @we_are_food  is my go to for all things sweet... and savoury for that matter!


IZZY:  This weekend I plan on gathering some lovely fresh local produce by supporting our local farmers market.  I think it's important to support our community during these uncertain times. As always, part of my weekend ritual is coffee in the morning from Moonshine Federal, always enjoyable! 

I'll be reading Shantaram by Gregory Roberts and I hope to finishes this, this weekend, as I have a new stack of Jon Krakauer books, one of my favourite authors - his insights into true events are always poignant. 

My weekend staycation won't be complete without homemade crumpets with fresh honeycomb , I find the recipe from Flour and Stone by Nadine Ingram is amazing - however it is a labour of love. Whenever you're in Sydney I recommend a visit to this Woolloomooloo gem. 






We'd love to hear what you're doing to embrace the changes in your life, please share! x 



  • MeezaThum said:

    между прочим для вас любимое развлечение


    June 09, 2021

  • MonzaAvers said:

    как обычно только вам регистрация без смс

    May 21, 2021

  • Willemijn Bischoff said:

    Thank you! Keep the spirit high!✨❤️✨

    March 22, 2020

  • Kate Evans said:

    It was delightful reading all the suggestions of books,cooking, yoga, work on a farm etc.
    Thank you.

    March 22, 2020

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