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Dusty Deco


Dusty Deco

With an aesthetic connection and ethos that resonates deeply with our own, it was a striking interiors image that first caught our eye, introducing us to Dusty Deco. Scandinavian design with a Spanish twist, their striking collection of pieces for the home are inspired by people, objects, and places they hold dear. Created by partners Lina and Edin, Dusty Deco began as a vintage furniture business working out of Stockholm, before their journey led them to form their design studio in Palma, Spain – the place they have also called home for the past four years. We recently had a chat with the duo about their unique collection, and the fascinating ideas that help form them. 
Edin and Lina we are thrilled to welcome Dusty Deco to the Tigmi collection and Australia. Can you talk to us about the beginnings of Dusty Deco and the story around your name?

Hello Tigmi Team and thanks for welcoming us to join the family! We are a family-based brand that started as a vintage journey around a decade ago where we, Edin my husband and myself (Lina) sat down to brainstorm ways to be able to do more of what we love, which, in our case was vintage furniture. We were both in fashion business and wanted to jump off that train and somehow make a living of our vintage collecting and flea market hunting obsession. We sat at our friend’s patio in Barcelona, listening to Dusty Springfield, dreaming away after sharing a bottle of wine. Hence, dusty deco was born. We sold vintage treasures in a garage in the outskirts of Stockholm, opened our own shops in the city centre and some years ago created our own line - based from our showroom in Palma.

Dusty Deco’s philosophy is ‘Iconic pieces inspired by people, objects and places we hold dear.’ What are some examples of where these inspirations can be found imbued in your pieces?

Oh dear, where to start!? The Arco armchair for example is inspired by all the beautiful arches in the Spanish architecture we see every day in Palma life. The labyrinth rugs are inspired by our children’s fascination for labyrinths and their favourite park in Barcelona, Parc del Laberint d'Horta a very dramatic and pretty place well worth a visit. We could also get inspired by a great movie and just steal the feeling and colours from that and put it into a collection or a feeling in an interior, it’s always there, the hunt is always on…




What do you love most about the design process?

It’s extremely satisfying receiving a lovely sample, that gives you goosebumps and think oh my god this could be something great! Then you see it live and get to place it in the showroom and see it in context or in your home. It’s also very fun in the beginning of the process when the seed is planted. The other day I found a lovely, structured wall on a walk with the dog and took a photo of it and applied it on to a rug cutting I got from a supplier some time ago that I loved but didn’t know what to do with. Suddenly that marriage seemed great so I’m waiting to see when we get the sample if it gives goosebumps as well. That part of the job is just fantastic. That’s what makes the everyday more boring administrative tasks worth the while…

Four years ago, you relocated from Sweden to Mallorca, what can you tell us about this significant move and what it has meant for your business?

Linas’s mum lived in Mallorca, and we have been here on and off for many years and always dreamed about living here. Then Lina came across an old carpentry shop (with great windows and a great garden) that was for sale when she was on maternity leave 5 years ago, at that point we both were self-employed with Dusty and we saw that was a great chance to make our dream of staying on the island.

We were also not in the best place in our relationship, tired of old habits, working too much, the constant stress of leaving or picking up kids from daycare, so we sold our apartment, and it was a life-changer for us. The first year was a bit tricky finding new habits and new friends but now after 4 years this is home, our safe spot. The kids are happy, we are happy, and we hang out with people we get inspired by. The work life is great, we are of course not always on the same page, and we argue about things and designs but that is also what makes it so great and allows us to complement each-other.

We have an amazing showroom set in a city palace with high ceilings a big terrace and grand rooms in the center of Palma. Being here has also allowed us to be more creative, seeing beautiful architecture, palm trees, the ocean and the mountains everyday gives us that inspiration we need to keep creating and being motivated and keep building our dream and Dusty Deco DNA.


"The Arco armchair for example is inspired by all the beautiful arches in the Spanish architecture we see every day in Palma life. The labyrinth rugs are inspired by our children’s fascination for labyrinths and their favourite park in Barcelona, Parc del Laberint d'Horta a very dramatic and pretty place well worth a visit. "

What do you feel is gained when we mix old and new interiors?

For us I think this is where we have our strength, mixing and creating personal spaces is what we do and what we know, and we are good at - mixing materials and eras makes a home a home. It gives depth and personality and that extra level. Our showroom is a great example of this, our designs work so well on the old, tiled floor and with the details like the beams and all our art and vintage collection, makes it more interesting.

We love that your designs reference friends, family, love of form and materials – but also an instinctual need to design a piece of furniture you have always wanted. Do all Dusty Deco designs end up in your home?

Well, we have two quite savage kids, so yes, almost everything enters our home, or at least the stuff that survives them (laughs) but at the same time we are very keen on changes and always find new vintage pieces and stuff on markets and auctions, many of them make inspiration or base for future developments, and they also come home with us. So, it’s a wild mix!






What has been the most rewarding part of your journey so far?

Might be a cliché but being on the journey is probably the most fun part, Edin has a t-shirt that says “I need the road to keep me happy” and with us it rings true. We are a bit nomadic in our lifestyle, so I think the exiting thing is to be on this trip and not knowing but constantly dreaming of what’s yet to come.

Tigmi is Berber for my home. How do you feel your home of Mallorca influences your work?

I think it’s quite liberating, we feel freer here somehow style-wise. The use of colours feels easier and the way of decorating is different from the Scandi style, it’s not as clean which can be fun.

What is next for Dusty Deco?

Oh! We would love to open both a Dusty Hotel and make books and maybe a denim brand and heaven knows what else, we are dreamers. But in the close future we hope to have our own shop again, maybe both in Spain and Sweden, and to connect with more interesting creatives like yourselves and that way reach more future Dusty customers across the world.







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